Power of Thoughts and Manifestation
Watch your thoughts; they
become words. Watch your words; they become actions. Watch your actions; they
become habit. Watch your habits; they become character. Watch your character;
it becomes your destiny. -Lao Tse
are seeds produced in human mind which creates it into the form of ‘matter’ in
the physical world. As already discussed, every kind of thoughts create and
broadcast its own frequency into the universe and the universe responds according
to the frequency and vibration of the primordial thoughts in your mind.
Negative thoughts create lower frequency vibration and results in negative
outcomes. The same way, positive higher level frequency results in positive
outcome. As all thoughts are energy, and like attracts likes, the result also
is corresponding to that. Hence we have to be very careful regarding our
thoughts. ‘Thoughts are things’. even though power of thoughts are not only the
reason behind manifestation, understanding and learning
to consciously and intentionally implement the power of your thoughts is a vital and necessary
component of achieving and experiencing your most sought after dreams and
desires. Let us take a look at the power
of thoughts in the
"physical realm" and more specifically in your life.
research has shown that focusing your thoughts, feelings, and intentions into
strong, positive, clear coherence can shift the activity and behavior of your
cells for the better. When you practice raising your energetic vibration you
create greater synergy between all your physiological systems. You also feel
and perform better and you get better results in your life. In seeking
for the sources of activity we find that in all human actions thinking is first
in the order of occurrence; that is, man does not act unless he has first
The mind does not think in
words, but in pictures. When you are reading you are continually translating
the words your eyes see into pictures. In other words you see what you read.
Every word cannot be changed into pictures: the word love, for instance. But,
when we think of a word which does not lend itself to pictures, we do the next
best thing. We associate it with a picture word. When you hear the word love,
you are likely to see in your mind's eye the picture of one you do love: your
wife or husband, or sweetheart. When one has difficulty in remembering what he
has read, it is usually because of a bad reading habit. His eyes have been
following the words, but he has not been changing the words into pictures. You can go to a movie and watch a play which
may run for two hours or more. Later you can describe the whole film in most
exact detail. This is because you have been watching the story in pictures. Since
thoughts are pictures, mental pictures will be either negative or positive,
depending upon the trend of thought. Establish this thought in your mind right
now: Negative thoughts cause negative reactions; positive thoughts cause
positive reactions. Since thoughts are pictures, appoint yourself as a picture
editor to evaluate the mental pictures entering your mind.
Pictures are Patterns
In earlier chapters you learned that the Creative
Mind accepts thoughts of the conscious mind as instructions and reproduces in
our beings or affairs whatever you hold in thought. We can now enlarge upon the
original statement by saying that the pictures held in the conscious mind will
be accepted as patterns by the Creative Mind. Mental pictures are just as
infallible. You cannot hold a picture of failure and expect it to guide you to
success. As an illustration: Suppose you are over your head in bills, and have
a negative type of mind. What are the mental pictures you see? You see your
creditors getting judgments against you; you visualize your salary being
attached and, as a result of it, losing your job, such pictures become
realities because of a mental block. You see no way of getting the money to pay
the bills, with the result that creditors will take action. Your problems cause
you to become inefficient at your job, which you eventually lose.
What kind of pictures would a positive mind hold
under the same circumstances? Your pictures would probably see you going to
your creditors, asking them to be a bit lenient so that you could gather your
forces and work out ways and means of getting the extra money needed. You would
work harder at your job so that your services would be recognized and a larger
income given to you. You would solve your problem in keeping with the positive
mental pictures. You will now see the wisdom of becoming your own mental
picture editor. If a negative picture attempts to enter your mind, replace it
with a positive one.
Success through Positive Mental
"How can one bring about
success through positive mental pictures, when others are involved?" I am
often asked; and it is a good question.
It is true that one's success is always dependent
upon others. If he could fully control his success, failure would be out of the
question because one would do only those things which would prompt success. An
individual's success, if he is an employee, will depend upon his employer; if
he is a businessman, it will depend upon his prospective customers. So, you
will see that a person's mental pictures, to be effective, must influence others
in addition to himself. If there is any foundation to Dr. J. B. Rhine's theories
regarding extrasensory perception—ESP—and I definitely believe there is, then,
since thoughts are pictures, there must be a transmittal of mental pictures
from one mind to another, or, as one may say, mental television. In a
television studio, the cameras in front of the subject would be of no value
unless there was a power to project the image on the various screens throughout
the country. In order to project a mental picture, power must also be
applied—and that power is enthusiasm and the emotion related to it. When you
have a success picture, that picture is backed up by enthusiasm and emotion. It
will most likely be received and acted upon by the one involved in your success.
There is a passage in the Good
Book which fits in very well with the subject matter of this chapter. It will
be found in Mark 11:24: "Therefore I
say unto you, What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye
receive them, and ye shall have them." This statement may be hard to
believe for most of the people. "How can I believe I have something which
I know I do not possess?" they will often ask. What this statement really
means is that you should hold mental pictures of yourself enjoying the use of
that which you may desire. Studying the statement further, you will find that
it does not mean that by visualizing whatever it is you desire, it will come to
you instantaneously, as if by magic. The Biblical quotation says "believe
that ye receive them, and ye shall have them." The word "shall"
signifies that the result of your desire will come at a later date. Now you
have the picture, according to the promise in the Scriptures. Briefly: Form
mental pictures of yourself using and enjoying that which you desire; believe
the picture to be true, and you will be guided in thought and action to think
the thoughts and do the things which will make a reality of your picture. Here
is a truth I wish to emphasize: The principles relating to mental pictures
apply equally to negative thoughts as to constructive, positive thoughts. Let
us assume that you are afraid of losing your job; what kind of pictures do you hold?
Do you see yourself growing richer? Certainly not! You picture yourself as
being in financial difficulties. You fear losing your home and furnishings. You
wonder how you can have food on your table. Such mental pictures will actually
make you more inefficient in your work; you'll make mistakes, your work will
not be of the best quality due to your mental stress. The outcome will be your
employer most likely to find reason to dispense with your services.
Thought Power and the world
are the creator of your own destiny. Today’s dreams will be tomorrow’s reality.
All famous scientists around the world knew the secret power of thoughts and
imagination. If Newton had no power of imagination, he would have never thought
of an unseen force like law of gravity and other theories of motion. We can
control our thoughts and lead a better life of our imagination. All developed
countries think in this way. For example, take the case of America. When
Columbus discovered that continent, it was all covered by lots of mountains and
thick forests. But, now America is the first economic giant in the world.
Europe also fought against adversities and started industrialization and
revolutionized the whole world. Japan is another country which was destroyed by
bomb attacks. It is also a country where are a lot of volcanic eruptions and
earthquake took place. Still they managed to get the title of world’s second
largest economy. But, lots of Asian and African countries which are rich in
natural resources are still could not manage to be successful and living in
poverty, scarcity and misery. Hence, we can realize that it is not the
circumstances which decide our destiny but, the attitude and endeavor which
matters. Thoughts are in fact the seeds! Why
thoughts are often described as seeds that determine the destiny can be
understood when we look at the effect each thought creates on us as well as
Lessons from successful great men
that a man achieves and all that he fails to achieve
is the direct result of his own thoughts."
is the direct result of his own thoughts."
James Allen
Let us think for a moment about the different persons who
became much successful in their life just by applying the power of thought in
their life.
Helen Keller was a person who had
no ability to see, speak or hear anything. Her teacher took a lot of effort to
make her understand every word through Braille system. It was not at all an
easy task to teach her even a word like ‘water’. Can you just imagine a person
like Helen Keller learned thousands of words and later wrote several books and
travelled all around the world inspiring the disabled people? We have all
abilities and still live a miserable life blaming our destiny and matter of
Alva Edison was born in a poor family and he was sent out of school labeled as
‘addled’ boy. But, his poor mother taught him. He did the job of selling news
paper to live his life at the age of ten. This poor by became patented more
than thousand inventions. He did all his experiments in a ramshackle shed till
he achieved his dreams. He failed over 10,000 times to invent electric bulb.
All his inventions did not come so easily. Just imagine, if he had left his
experiments as all went in vain, he would not be the inventor of electric bulb
and a well-known successful scientist.
Rudolf started her dreams to become best runner in the world when she became a
victim of Polio disease and was bed ridden for more than six years. When she
was nine years old, she declared that she will become the best runner in the
world. After one year she started her hard attempts and years after she was
enabled to run properly. Anyhow in the Olympics held in 1960, she won four
medals for running competition.
"Do not under estimate the Power of Thoughts. Just as water has the power to shift and mold
earths landscape,
your thoughts have the power to shift and mold the landscape
of your life" -Chuck Danes
your thoughts have the power to shift and mold the landscape
of your life" -Chuck Danes