Attracting Success With Mind Power-- From Imagination To Reality
Creative Visualisation
Creative visualization is a mental technique that uses the imagination to
make dreams come true. Used in the right way, creative visualization can
improve our life and attract success and prosperity. It is a power that can
alter our environment and circumstances, cause events to happen, and attract
money, possessions, work, people and love into our life. Creative visualization
uses the power of the mind, and is the power behind every success.
By visualizing a certain event or a situation, or an object, such as a car,
a house, furniture etc, we attract it into our life. It is a process that is
similar to daydreaming. For some people it might look like magic, but there is
no magic involved, only the natural process of the power of thoughts and
natural mental laws. It is like having a genie at your disposal!
There are people who use this technique naturally in their everyday affairs,
not being aware that they are using some sort of power. All successful people
use it consciously or unconsciously, attracting the success they want into
their life, by visualizing their goals as already accomplished.
Creative Visualization and
the Power of Thoughts
How does it work and why? Thoughts, if powerful enough, are accepted by our
subconscious mind, which then changes our mindset accordingly, as well as our
habits and actions, and this brings us into contact with new people, situations
and circumstances.
Thought is a creative stuff that molds our life and attracts similar stuff
into our life. Thoughts also travel from one mind to another, and if they are
strong enough, they can be unconsciously picked up by people, who are in a
position to help us materialize our desires and goals.
We are part of the Omnipotent Power that has created the universe, and therefore we participate in the process of creation. Bearing this thought in
mind, there is no wonder that thoughts materialize. Stop for a moment and think
- You are an indivisible part of the great Universal Power! This means
that your thoughts can come true! Not all thoughts of course, but those that
are concentrated, well-defined, and often-repeated often.
Thought is energy, especially a concentrated thought laden with emotional
energy. Thoughts change the balance of energy around us, and bring changes to
the environment in accordance with them. There is another explanation why visualization brings results. It may come
as a surprise to most, but the theory of "Maya" - Illusion, which
comes from the eastern philosophies, provides the explanation.
According to the Indian philosophy "Advaita- Vedanta", which is
called "Nonduality" in the West, the world is not real, but only an
illusion, created by our thoughts. Since most people think and repeat the same
or similar thoughts often, focusing their mind and thoughts on their current
environment, they create and recreate the same sort of events or circumstances.
This process preserves the same "world" and status quo. It is like
watching the same film over and over again, but we can change the film by
changing our thoughts and visualize different circumstances and life, and in
this way create a different "reality". For us it is a reality, though
in fact it is just a dream we call "reality".
By changing our thoughts and mental images we change our
"Reality"; we change the "illusory" world we believe we
live in. We are not employing magic or supernatural powers when creating and
changing our life and circumstances. It is not something "Material"
that we change; we only change our thoughts, which shape our world. All this is like dreaming a very realistic dream, and then changing the
dream. We are not awakening from the dream, just changing the dream.
So why not change your dreams to something more satisfying?
If you live in small apartment and need a larger one, instead of brooding
about your fate and lack of money, change your thoughts and visualize and
believe that you are living in a bigger apartment.
Overcoming Limited Thinking
Creative visualization can do great things, but for every person
there are some areas, which he or she might find hard to change, at least in
the immediate future. The power of visualization is a mighty power, but there
are some limits to using it. These limits are within us, not in the power. We often limit ourselves and cannot look beyond a limited circle. We limit
ourselves by our thoughts and beliefs. The more open-minded we can be, and the
more big we dare ti think, the greater are our opportunities and possibilities.
Limitations are within our minds, and it is up to us to rise above them. It may take some time until things start to change. Simple, small
demonstrations of this power may come fast, but bigger results may need a
longer time to happen. The time and effort put forth in this study are really worthwhile. Have
faith and patience and results will start appearing.
Guidelines for Creative
Define your goal.
Think, meditate and listen to your intuition to ascertain that you really
desire to attain this goal.
Ascertain that only good will result from your visualization, for you and for
Sit alone in a quiet place, where you will not be disturbed.
Relax your body.
Breathe rhythmically and deeply several times.
Visualize a clear and detailed mental image of what you desire to get or
Use in your imagination all the five senses of sight, hearing, touch, smell and

desire and feelings into what your mental image.

at least twice a day, about 10 minutes each time.

with your visualization, day after day, with, patience, hope and faith.

positive, thinking positive thoughts, feeling positive feelings and using
positive words.

the day, when negative thoughts and doubts arise, replace them with positive
thoughts. As each negative thought enters your mind, immediately substitute it
with a positive thought.

an open mind, so that you recognize opportunities and take advantage of them.

concluding your visualization session, say attentively and earnestly, "Let
everything happen in a harmonious and favorable way for all involved".
Use the power of imagination only for your and others' good, and never try
to use it to get something that belongs to others or hurt others. Make sure
that what you are creating is good for all involved, and cause no harm to your
Though the manifestation of your goal might sometimes happen in a sudden and
expected manner, most of the time it will happen in a natural and gradual
manner, one thing leading to another. If you desire money, it won't necessarily
drop on your head from the sky or you will win it in the lottery. It will more
probably come through a new job, promotion, a business deal or through various
other channels.
Our thoughts and feelings, and the mental images we carry in our mind,
affect our life. By changing them we change our life. This means that we have
to be careful with our thoughts and how we feel about them; otherwise we might
get things and enter into situations that you do not want, and then we will
have to find ways to get rid of them. Better think and visualize what that we
really and truly want, and which will improve our life.
Approach this mental work with a positive attitude, earnestness and faith,
but at the same time with some detachment, and regarding it as a sort of game
or play. This attitude will prevent inner tension and disappointment, if things
don't happen as expected.
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