Thursday, 7 November 2013

The Law of Attraction and Manifestation

"As a man thinks in his heart, so is he."
Proverbs 23:7

What is the Law of Attraction?

We are very familiar about Law of Attraction which has been mentioned everywhere, as it is the latest buzzword. It’s the “BIG SECRET” that’s really not at all a secret. It has been around since time immemorial. This is not a new concept or a newly discovered Law. The Law of Attraction has been communicated through the writing and teachings of some of the greatest teachers in history such as Jesus and Buddha. Although it has been fairly recently that The Law of Attraction was given a name, it has existed since the beginning of time.
The law of attraction began to gain popularity in the western hemisphere in the 19th century, as people began to appreciate the power of positive thinking and apply it to their life. This new concept was first introduced to the general public by William Walker Atkinson, the editor of New Thought magazine, who published a book called Thought Vibration or the Law of Attraction in the Thought World in 1906. As you can see, the law of attraction is not new. The concept that thought can have a predominate effect on the course of a man’s destiny has been taught by wise men throughout  the ages, and has given rise to a whole new era of beliefs.
You can look at anything in your Universe and break it down to its essence, which is Energy. Your body, your car, your house, or whatever it may be. All are just various “configurations” of Energy. You also need to know that Energy vibrates at various frequencies. In our human form, we experience things as “physical” if they fall into a specific range of frequencies. At higher frequencies, things become less “visible” to us. Thoughts, for example, vibrate at a much higher frequency than does a chair and are not visible to the eye. Nonetheless, thoughts exist. You are Energy and you vibrate and attract according to your frequency. Your energetic vibrations act like magnets to similar energetic vibrations. It is your thoughts and emotions that dictate what you are vibrating, and thus, what you are magnetizing. The law of attraction will bring you more and more situations that are in vibrational alignment with your thoughts, beliefs, and most of all, your feelings.
            The theory behind the law of attraction is the belief that energy attracts like energy in the vast expanse of space and time that comprises our universe. Each person’s being is constantly radiating energy out into space; the type of energy being radiated is determined by the emotional state of the individual in question and may differ from day to day-sometimes even hour to hour. This emotional energy is what is commonly known as a “vibe” and is referred to as a vibration by scientists studying the law of attraction. Have you ever been with someone who is so happy they seem to be radiating a “glow which inspires happiness in all those around them? By the same token, have you ever spent time with someone who was so critical and unhappy that they consistently gave off a “negative vibe” which seemed to suck the life and happiness out of all those around them?
            You do not have to possess psychic powers to be able to feel the vibes that people emit; this energy is very real on a psychological plane and will affect anyone, anywhere at any time. Our vibrations are usually an unconscious response to some form of environmental stimulus; something has happened which has caused us to feel happy, or sad, or scared, or confused, or stressed, etc., and our subconscious response to this (because vibes are generated and projected from the subconscious rather than the conscious) is something that is beyond our control. There are a number of feelings which lead to positive and negative vibes being emitted. It is important to understand what are these feelings before going forward.
Positive vibes

Positive vibes are generated from good feelings, such as:
● Joy
● Love
● Excitement
● Abundance (of anything that causes a positive response)
● Pride
● Comfort
● Confidence
● Affection
Negative vibes
Negative vibes are generated from negative feelings, such as:
● Disappointment
● Loneliness
● Lack (of any of life’s necessities or luxuries)
● Sadness
● Confusion
● Stress
● Anger
● Hurt
What do Vibes Have to With the Law of Attraction?
          As we mentioned earlier the fundamental principle of the law of attraction is the belief that life energy attracts like energy. This means that if a person is emitting positive vibes they will draw good things to them and if they are emitting negative vibes they will draw bad things to them. ”You are a living magnet, attracting what you want.”

Remember, you attract to your life whatever you give your attention, energy and focus to, whether wanted or unwanted.”
-- Michael J. Losier

Does this mean that all of the bad things that happen to you in this life are because you subconsciously wanted them to? This is one of the most common arguments against the concept of the law of attraction and it often the hardest to refute because people have not yet recognized that the law of attraction is not a pipe dream or something that someone dreamed up while sitting on their porch one hot summer night. It is a fact of life, and its effects are far reaching. In answer to your question, no, not everything bad that happens in your life is a result of you subconsciously wishing for it to happen. Sometimes it is a result of someone else wishing for it to happen. To quote an example from a website pertaining to the law of attraction a child or a spouse who is abused is not abused because they wished for this abuse to happen. This abuse happened because the abuser allowed their negative thoughts concerning their child or spouse to creep across their subconscious until they eventually began to dictate their actions. “Where there’s a will, there’s a way.” Where your mind can believe that there is a way for the body to achieve its heart’s desire a way does exist.
The belief held by many theorists is that the universe is governed by a set of universal laws; these laws cannot be changed, cannot be broken and apply to every individual, regardless of age or nationality. These laws are the riverbanks which guide the flow of their lives on its journey to its ultimate end. The Law of Attraction is a Universal Law just like gravity. When we will realize the simple “Truths” about the Law of Attraction, you will have the Key that unlocks the door of new possibilities and miracles which will change your life to possess all desires in your life into reality. Yes, it really is a law, and a Universal Law, at that. It is there, ever-present and ever working, whether we heed it or not. Since it’s a constant given, it would be to our benefit to know something about it so we can use it in our lives. If we don’t consciously use it, we will still be unconsciously using it – but perhaps, not with the same favorable results.
There is a fundamental law of attraction in the universe that guides people’s lives and is the underlying power behind all things. This law was expressed by Napoleon Hill when he said, “We become what we think about.” This profound truth has been stated in many different languages and cultures throughout history. In the second century of the Common Era, the Roman emperor and Stoic philosopher Marcus Aurelius said, “Our life is what our thoughts make it.” This idea has been developed over time and has now become a central tenet in many spiritual traditions.
In relation to the law of attraction, we have extensive references to the idea of karma in the teachings of the Buddha. It is explained to us that our actions not only have an effect in this life but in future lives and that this is the reason for our own misfortunes right this minute. If we are to ever escape the endless cycles of misfortune, we will have to change our direction and achieve an end to our sorrows.

“All that we are is a result of what we have thought.”

In the New Testament, Christians are very familiar with the phrase “As ye sow, so shall ye reap.” This idea, presented to Christians and Buddhists alike, has also been presented in many other great religions on Earth and has been expounded by modern philosophers as well. Earl Nightengale has referred to the law of attraction as “The Strangest Secret”. When asked by his readers, “Why do you call it the strangest secret?” he explains that it is a secret that is really “no secret” at all. It’s not because the law of attraction is hidden from view that makes it so strange. Infact, it isn’t hidden. It’s extremely obvious and yet nobody seems to be aware of it. “We become what we think about” is no “secret” at all and that’s what makes it so strange.
            You’ve heard (and even used) such clichés as birds of a feather flock together, and like attracts like. Why something attracts to itself something else that is similar has to do with the magnetic quality of the molecules of energy that comprise these two ‘somethings’. The second statement that you will want to take on faith is one you already“feel” within you. And that is that we are physical extensions of a non-physical Energy known to us as God, Divine Power, and Source Energy. We also believe that there is nothing that is not God because we know that nothing exists outside of God – it couldn’t if God is all-powerful and ever-present. Therefore, we must be made up of the same Energy that is God/Universal, Divine Energy or infinite intelligence. So, you wonder, “Does this mean that I am divine?” Absolutely. You may say, “I don’t feel very divine.” That’s probably true, occasionally – or even rather often. So let’s take a look at why that may be so.
First, we must understand the nature of Divine Energy. Life was never meant to be a struggle. It is often said, in our bibles and other religious books, that we are created out of the Mind of God. The truth is that we are the Mind of God, and we do the creating – through our thoughts. That is, we think the thought and Source Energy does the rest. If you think you can, or think you can’t, you’re right! No matter what we think – we will have it – if we think it strongly enough, with enough emotion. Therefore, thoughts of fear, lack and ill-health hold as much power as thoughts of joy, bliss and abundance. We get what we think about. This is called the Law of Attraction, and it works like this: Divine Source Energy (God by any of its names) is what makes up one hundred percent of our Universe. Every particle of Energy that comprises every single thought, word, deed and substance already exists in its potential state in Source Energy. And Source Energy is impartial; It gives to everyone the same. Whatever you think about with any clarity, you will receive. Impartial, by the way, is not the same as unloving, as many people interpret it. In fact, Divine Energy is so loving It gives us absolutely everything we think about, unequivocally. Therefore, when you think a thought, you immediately begin drawing the substance of that thought to you (remember the magnetic nature of Energy particles).
And, once again, you are probably sputtering, “But, I don’t think that I want bad stuff to happen in my life; it just does anyway.” Wayne Dyer says it best: “You’ll see it when you believe it.” The fact is there is absolutely nothing, happening in your life, which you haven’t accepted and allowed it to happen on some level of your awareness.
Many of us have spent long hours in meditative thought making statements such as, “I don’t want to be sick”, or “I’m tired of being depressed”. Such thoughts, although they seem to be denying that which you do not want, are actually attracting “like” energy to them. The more you think about being in debt, in pain, or in fear (even when these are thoughts of denial), the more of that same thing will be attracted to you. As hard as it seems, you must change your thinking if you wish to change what you are attracting. When you do affirmations, they must contain only elements of truth. Therefore, don’t say (and make yourself believe it), “I’m very wealthy,” when you have unpaid bills in stacks on your desk and zip in my bank account. You can’t say with anything near belief, “I have a healthy vigorous body”, when every move you make causes some joint to clamor in arthritic protest. What you can say is, “I enjoy having more than enough money to pay my bills”, and “I enjoy moving easily and freely”. These are statements you can get your mind and belief around because they are true. And these statements attract what you wish to have. If you pay attention to the thoughts you use about a situation, you can literally change your life.
We all participate in the collective unconscious, and in many cases it works well for us. It keeps trees standing upright, and cars from falling apart, and houses standing, and cotton soft, and rocks hard. But remember – it is our belief, as we share in the collective unconscious, that constitutes their intrinsic value and keeps then at status quo. Therefore, when you’re presented with a feeling of “well, that’s just the way it is,” you can either accept it or reject it. But remember, in order to reject it, you can’t simple deny it. Observing with negative emotion is the same as accepting. Stating “war sucks”, for instance, will only add power to war. Thinking and believing that peace in your home and in your life is a feeling that gives you joy, is one of the first steps toward changing the situations and result in favour of your desire. We can and must take responsibility for our lives. If the ‘World’ feels like too much to handle, start with your own life. See how many times a day you can catch yourself thinking a negative thought about something you don’t want in your life. Then consciously choose to change it to a positive thought that gives you a better feeling. Always look for a better way to feel. Your emotions are your gauge to what you are attracting.
            So what is this Law? How does it work? And most importantly, how can we use it for our own good? What is this Secret? It’s really pretty simple. “Thoughts are Things” and “Like Attracts Like”. Yes, that’s it. You get what you think about, whether wanted or unwanted. This is an important distinction because we are always “creating”. The question to ask is “am I creating consciously or unconsciously”? If you are not manifesting what you want in your life, then perhaps you are not consciously creating. So, the key is to consciously create what you want.

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