This blog is all about unleashing the hidden power of your mind and make a better living. The real secret behind human mind power depends upon some universal secret laws. If you can understand and follow these secret laws, you can materialise whatever you want in your life and live happily with abundance, prosperity and peace of mind. I would like to call these secrets as ‘Universal Mastermind Secrets’.
Tuesday, 7 May 2013
How to create a happy life using your mind power in a creative way: How to create a happy life using your mind power i...
How to create a happy life using your mind power in a creative way: How to create a happy life using your mind power i...: How to create a happy life using your mind power in a creative way: THOUGHTS TO CREATE YOUR DESTINY What I want to h... : THOUGHTS TO CRE...
Attracting Success With Mind Power-- From Imagination To Reality
Creative Visualisation
Creative visualization is a mental technique that uses the imagination to
make dreams come true. Used in the right way, creative visualization can
improve our life and attract success and prosperity. It is a power that can
alter our environment and circumstances, cause events to happen, and attract
money, possessions, work, people and love into our life. Creative visualization
uses the power of the mind, and is the power behind every success.
By visualizing a certain event or a situation, or an object, such as a car,
a house, furniture etc, we attract it into our life. It is a process that is
similar to daydreaming. For some people it might look like magic, but there is
no magic involved, only the natural process of the power of thoughts and
natural mental laws. It is like having a genie at your disposal!
There are people who use this technique naturally in their everyday affairs,
not being aware that they are using some sort of power. All successful people
use it consciously or unconsciously, attracting the success they want into
their life, by visualizing their goals as already accomplished.
Creative Visualization and
the Power of Thoughts
How does it work and why? Thoughts, if powerful enough, are accepted by our
subconscious mind, which then changes our mindset accordingly, as well as our
habits and actions, and this brings us into contact with new people, situations
and circumstances.
Thought is a creative stuff that molds our life and attracts similar stuff
into our life. Thoughts also travel from one mind to another, and if they are
strong enough, they can be unconsciously picked up by people, who are in a
position to help us materialize our desires and goals.
We are part of the Omnipotent Power that has created the universe, and therefore we participate in the process of creation. Bearing this thought in
mind, there is no wonder that thoughts materialize. Stop for a moment and think
- You are an indivisible part of the great Universal Power! This means
that your thoughts can come true! Not all thoughts of course, but those that
are concentrated, well-defined, and often-repeated often.
Thought is energy, especially a concentrated thought laden with emotional
energy. Thoughts change the balance of energy around us, and bring changes to
the environment in accordance with them. There is another explanation why visualization brings results. It may come
as a surprise to most, but the theory of "Maya" - Illusion, which
comes from the eastern philosophies, provides the explanation.
According to the Indian philosophy "Advaita- Vedanta", which is
called "Nonduality" in the West, the world is not real, but only an
illusion, created by our thoughts. Since most people think and repeat the same
or similar thoughts often, focusing their mind and thoughts on their current
environment, they create and recreate the same sort of events or circumstances.
This process preserves the same "world" and status quo. It is like
watching the same film over and over again, but we can change the film by
changing our thoughts and visualize different circumstances and life, and in
this way create a different "reality". For us it is a reality, though
in fact it is just a dream we call "reality".
By changing our thoughts and mental images we change our
"Reality"; we change the "illusory" world we believe we
live in. We are not employing magic or supernatural powers when creating and
changing our life and circumstances. It is not something "Material"
that we change; we only change our thoughts, which shape our world. All this is like dreaming a very realistic dream, and then changing the
dream. We are not awakening from the dream, just changing the dream.
So why not change your dreams to something more satisfying?
If you live in small apartment and need a larger one, instead of brooding
about your fate and lack of money, change your thoughts and visualize and
believe that you are living in a bigger apartment.
Overcoming Limited Thinking
Creative visualization can do great things, but for every person
there are some areas, which he or she might find hard to change, at least in
the immediate future. The power of visualization is a mighty power, but there
are some limits to using it. These limits are within us, not in the power. We often limit ourselves and cannot look beyond a limited circle. We limit
ourselves by our thoughts and beliefs. The more open-minded we can be, and the
more big we dare ti think, the greater are our opportunities and possibilities.
Limitations are within our minds, and it is up to us to rise above them. It may take some time until things start to change. Simple, small
demonstrations of this power may come fast, but bigger results may need a
longer time to happen. The time and effort put forth in this study are really worthwhile. Have
faith and patience and results will start appearing.
Guidelines for Creative
Define your goal.
Think, meditate and listen to your intuition to ascertain that you really
desire to attain this goal.
Ascertain that only good will result from your visualization, for you and for
Sit alone in a quiet place, where you will not be disturbed.
Relax your body.
Breathe rhythmically and deeply several times.
Visualize a clear and detailed mental image of what you desire to get or
Use in your imagination all the five senses of sight, hearing, touch, smell and

desire and feelings into what your mental image.

at least twice a day, about 10 minutes each time.

with your visualization, day after day, with, patience, hope and faith.

positive, thinking positive thoughts, feeling positive feelings and using
positive words.

the day, when negative thoughts and doubts arise, replace them with positive
thoughts. As each negative thought enters your mind, immediately substitute it
with a positive thought.

an open mind, so that you recognize opportunities and take advantage of them.

concluding your visualization session, say attentively and earnestly, "Let
everything happen in a harmonious and favorable way for all involved".
Use the power of imagination only for your and others' good, and never try
to use it to get something that belongs to others or hurt others. Make sure
that what you are creating is good for all involved, and cause no harm to your
Though the manifestation of your goal might sometimes happen in a sudden and
expected manner, most of the time it will happen in a natural and gradual
manner, one thing leading to another. If you desire money, it won't necessarily
drop on your head from the sky or you will win it in the lottery. It will more
probably come through a new job, promotion, a business deal or through various
other channels.
Our thoughts and feelings, and the mental images we carry in our mind,
affect our life. By changing them we change our life. This means that we have
to be careful with our thoughts and how we feel about them; otherwise we might
get things and enter into situations that you do not want, and then we will
have to find ways to get rid of them. Better think and visualize what that we
really and truly want, and which will improve our life.
Approach this mental work with a positive attitude, earnestness and faith,
but at the same time with some detachment, and regarding it as a sort of game
or play. This attitude will prevent inner tension and disappointment, if things
don't happen as expected.
Thursday, 2 May 2013
How to create a happy life using your mind power in a creative way: THOUGHTS TO CREATE YOUR DESTINYWhat I want to h...
How to create a happy life using your mind power in a creative way: THOUGHTS TO CREATE YOUR DESTINY
What I want to h...: THOUGHTS TO CREATE YOUR DESTINY What I want to highlight here is the fact that you have within you the power to create anything...
What I want to h...: THOUGHTS TO CREATE YOUR DESTINY What I want to highlight here is the fact that you have within you the power to create anything...
What I want to highlight here is the
fact that you have within you the power to create anything you want, and the
storehouse of this power is your subconscious mind. Gerry Robert, author of The
Millionaire Mindset and my mentor, used the Captain and Crew analogy to explain
the relationship between the conscious and subconscious mind. The conscious
mind is the Captain and the subconscious mind is the Crew. The subconscious
mind (Crew) listens to the instructions given by the conscious mind (Captain),
and obediently brings the instructions into reality.
One important thing to note is the
Crew is not capable of formulating its own thinking. If the Captain fails to
give specific instruction to the Crew, the Crew will just take ANY instruction
passed to it and bring it to reality. (Read this statement again.) Joseph Murphy, author of The Power
Of Your Subconscious Mind, illustrated that you are the Gardener and your
subconscious mind is the fertile Soil. Your subconscious mind is capable to
growing all kinds of seeds (seeds of thought) that you sow. The seeds are
planted based on your habitual thinking.
So if you want apple fruits (the
effect), you have to plant apple seeds (the cause). This is also the law of
cause and effect. If you want to change your external
conditions (the effect), you have to change your cause, which is your seed of
thought. Unfortunately, most people try to change their conditions by working
on those conditions. They fail to realize that an apple is still an apple.
Regardless of how hard they work on it, it will not turn into an orange. What
they need to do instead is to start planting orange seeds.
During a Brian Tracy seminar, he
"Thoughts are Causes,
Conditions are Effect"
Change the cause and you change the
Change your thoughts and you change
your conditions.
#1 – Watch your thoughts and your words
From today onwards, stop all the
negative thinking that come across your mind. The moment you realize that you are
thinking of something that you do not want, tell yourself "cancel!"
and then start thinking of things that you want. Having said that, if you have any
negative thinking without you realizing it, just let it pass and think of
something positive to end that thought. Never revisit the negative thinking and
say "cancel". Doing this will only add power to the negative thought. The thought manifests as the word;
the word manifests as the deed. The deed develops into habit; and habit hardens
into character. The next thing to watch is your
Never end your words with a negative
statement. Make it a habit to reverse it into something positive.
Never say "I can't"
because when you say "I can't", your subconscious mind simply takes
the instruction and manifests the reality of you can't.
real power of the subconscious mind
Your subconscious mind works
according to the law of belief. The statement "If you believe
you can, you can" has been so overly emphasized by success gurus that if I
just tell you again, it will not make much difference to your life.
you believe you can, the universe will provide you with all the necessary
people, events and resources to help you develop the necessary abilities to
make you can. All you need to do at this stage is an open mind and willingness
to learn. Then, it will give you the opportunities to prove that you can. All
you have to do then is to believe in yourself and just do it.
Belief is simply a thought that has
been accepted as truth by first your conscious mind and then your subconscious
mind. Belief will only take on its power
when it is accepted by your subconscious mind. So merely saying "I believe
I can", may not change your life, but saying "I believe I can"
every single day of your life and start acting as if you can never fail, will
surely move you forward.
If your subconscious truly believes
that you can, fear and doubt will never be an option to you.
There is no right or wrong beliefs,
only beliefs that are accepted as truth by you. If you believe in the power of your
subconscious mind, you are right. If you don’t believe in the power of your
subconscious mind, you are also right. Either way, it's your choice.
#2 – Exercise your power of choice
We are going to focus on
hetero-suggestion, suggestion from other people. Your subconscious mind is sensitive
to suggestions, be it auto-suggestions or hetero-suggestions. You must be careful to listen to
suggestions that inspire, elevate and motivate you. Never listen to complaints
or suggestions by pessimists and negative people. Read only books written by
successful people; books that inspire and motivate you; books that tell you the
truth about life. Never read books by pessimistic writers and shift your
attention away from those negative stories in your daily newspaper. Your conscious mind is the
gatekeeper that guards your subconscious mind from accepting beliefs that are
not useful to you. Whenever you hear something that is
negative, pessimistic or not inline with what you want to achieve, turn a deaf
ear to those information! No not give any energy to accept or even repel those
information. Never join in the discussion. Choose to believe only in good
things and choose to listen to and read information that move you forward. Your greatest power is your power to choose.
Choose greatness, happiness and healthiness and life will be wonderful for you.
– Do affirmation everyday
The way to do it is very simple. Every morning and evening, before
and after work, repeat to yourself
"I'm the best, I'm the
greatest, I am extremely successful." If you drive, shout it out loud in
your car, fast and with enthusiasm. Take in deep breath whenever you shout. Enthusiasm and deep breath are two
important ingredients in this exercise. Why enthusiasm? Because our
subconscious is easily activated by emotion. Why deep breath? Because oxygen will
increase your divine energy and will make this exercise more powerful.
How many times should you repeat? As
many times as you want! Usually about 5 minutes for each session because it's
quite tiring! If you do not drive, simply repeat
this in your mind. Make it a habit to repeat it whenever you walk, so that
whenever you walk, you will automatically do this affirmation. You must do this exercise for at
least 30 days to realize changes in yourself. If you have low self worth, this
exercise will increase your self esteem. If you are lost and do not know what
you want in life, this exercise will help you to find direction and find your
interest in life. If you are already sure of what you
want, this exercise will bring you the opportunity you need to succeed.
The kind of result that will happen
to you depends on which phase of life you are currently at.
Within 30 days after doing this
simple exercise, in my car, I was amazed to discover that my years of slouch
back problem was miraculously resolved! I think my slouch back problem was a
reflection of my low self worth and when my self image improves, the problem
just resolved automatically.
For the rest of the time during your
journey everyday, listen to good CD programs that can reprogram your
subconscious mind.
Everyday, I think you can easily
spend one hour for affirmations. If you use these hours to reprogram your
subconscious mind, in a few months, you would have developed a powerful
successful mindset, which will surely bring about positive changes to your
life. That's the law of life. It can't be otherwise! As within, so without. Your physical
life is simply a reflection of your inner world. If your mindset elevates, your
life must follow.
#4 - Visualise your self to create your life
Your subconscious mind cannot differentiate between what is real and
what is vividly imagined. As long as you keep repeating the images, what you
visualize will inevitably appear in your life.
Memorize the following!
To further strengthen your
visualization process, you can create a dream board, a board with pictures of
all the things you desire, such as your house, your car and your bank
When you visualize, you must be
clear what is it that you really want in life.
Many people keep changing what they
visualize and in the end they achieve nothing through visualization. Don’t
commit the same mistake.
Wednesday, 1 May 2013
How to create a happy life using your mind power in a creative way: MEDITATION AND MIND POWER
How to create a happy life using your mind power in a creative way: MEDITATION AND MIND POWER: Meditation and Mind Power Guidelines for Meditation One of the main objectives in meditation is simply to remain conscious. F...
Meditation and Mind Power
Guidelines for Meditation
One of the main objectives in
meditation is simply to remain conscious. Falling asleep during a meditation
does not result in the same beneficial outcomes. Another objective is to extend
your consciousness into the slower Alpha frequencies and Theta frequencies.
This will happen with little to moderate practice.
Position of the Body
It is important for the novice
not to get too comfortable. Getting too comfortable in a meditation can easily
lead to sleep. In the beginning, the best position is a sitting position with
your feet apart and flat on the floor, your spine somewhat straight, head
slightly lowered, and your hands on your lap, palms up or down, whatever feels
more comfortable to you. Do not slouch your body, and do not cross your legs,
ankles, or arms. This will only make you uncomfortable later on during the
meditation, causing you to shift your focus away from the internal mental
experience in order to tend to your physical experience. With time and practice
you will be able to be in any position you desire.
Duration of Meditations
The duration of the meditation
can be as little as 5 minutes to as much as 45 minutes, or even more depending
on a your daily time allowance and purpose of the meditation. Ideally, you will
meditate no less than fifteen minutes, and three times a day.
When to Practice
Mornings are the best time to
practice meditating since your brain frequency is more than likely at Alpha. All
you need to do is close your eyes, take a deep breath, and enter your
The second best time to practice
is at night before entering sleep. Since meditation will take your body, brain
and mind in the direction of sleep, getting too comfortable in your bed when
meditating may result in you falling asleep. If your goal is to meditate, then
consider sitting up in your bed for the meditation part, and after meditating,
get yourself more comfortable and drift into sleep. If your goal is to go to sleep,
you will probably do so faster and easier starting off with a meditation.
The third best time to meditate
is some time after lunch. If you have the luxury of having the time to meditate
early in the afternoon, then this is a great time for long and deep
meditations. We all have a natural tendency to feel a bit sluggish during the
early afternoon hours, and meditation can serve to energize you and/or catch
you up with needed rest.
Ideally, you will meditate for 15
minutes, three times a day.
Four Steps to Meditating
Step 1: Entering
Step 2: Deepening
Step 3: Purpose
Step 4: Exit
STEP 1: Every meditation begins
with some kind of entry. Most meditations begin with the eyes closed so as to
eliminate most of the external stimulus, and to "kick in" a
sleep-like pattern that will help encourage deep, healthy relaxation. With eyes
closed your focus can easily shift from being external towards being internal,
initiating the process. Any natural method of entry that shifts your focus from
the external to the internal may be used effectively. The Three Deep Breath
Method that you will learn is a method that is ideal for entering a meditation.
STEP 2: Once you have entered
your meditation it is time to deepen. Deepening is done by relaxing the body
and mind through counts done on a descending scale.
STEP 3: By the time you get to
this step, your body is extremely relaxed, your brain frequency is slow, and
your mental state is at its deepest and most receptive. This makes Step 3 ideal
for any kind of mental programming. Programming can be done in the form of
self-talk, such as in the case of affirmations, goal setting and problem
solving, formula-type techniques, and guided imagery mostly used for
STEP 4: Exiting a meditation can
be done by simply opening your eyes. You can exit the meditation more gradually
by counting slowly from 1-3, snapping your fingers lightly, and mentally
saying, "Eyes open, feeling wide awake and in perfect health."
Another way of exiting a meditation is by entering sleep.
Wandering Mind and Physical
Sensations and Consciousness
During your meditations it is
very common for your mind to wander. This is normal. When you find your mind
wandering simply bring your attention back to whatever you are doing and continue
where you left off. Occasionally, you will even loose awareness, and even enter
sleep. This too is normal. With practice, this will happen less and less.
Although concentration and focus will be enhanced through time, your mind's
wandering nature will never go away completely.
Because everybody is unique, the
physical sensation experienced during meditation may vary from person to
person. It can be anywhere from a feeling of heaviness to a feeling of
weightlessness. You may even have the sensation of floating. Often, during deep
physical relaxation, you may experience a sense of desensitization, and feel as
if your body is no longer there. All these and other experiences and sensations
are indicators that you are doing just fine.
Remember that the element you are
adding to something your body, brain, and mind has done all its life
unconsciously is consciousness. By meditating you are able to convert the
subconscious into the inner conscious. This may be very new to you and
something well worth exploring.
Three Deep Breath Method
Before meditating, you will get
into a comfortable position; you will then close your eyes, and take the first
deep breath.
First Breath: The first deep
breath is used to initiate the relaxation process and to learn to relax your
body from head to toes in a short period of time. With practice, the first
breath will become a trigger mechanism for relaxing your body fully and
completely from head to toes. After taking the first deep breath, say to
yourself mentally, "Body, it is time to relax."
The first deep breath is for
physical relaxation, and it is achieved by relaxing one part at a time.
Part-by-part relaxation or fractional relaxation is done by simply focusing
your attention on different parts of your body, usually starting with your
scalp and going slowly downward one part at a time until you reach your toes.
As you focus on each part of your
body relax all tensions and ligament pressures, and place them in a deep state
of relaxation that will go deeper and deeper with every breath you take. You
may take 15 minutes, 20 minutes, or longer doing the part-by-part body
When you do The Deep Relaxation
Exercise for the first time, it may be helpful for you to first tense the
muscles of your body tightly, and then relax them. This can help establish a
clear distinction between tension and relaxation that will make it easier to
learn to relax during the exercise and in the future when you practice
relaxation exercises or meditations.
Start From the Head and Move
Slowly Downward:
Concentrate on the skin covering
your head. Feel the skin that covers your scalp. Feel the vibration of the skin
caused by circulation, and then relax and release all tensions and ligament
pressures from your scalp and place them in a deep state of relaxation that
will grow deeper and deeper with every breath. Taking your time, do the same
for the rest of your body; forehead, the tissue surrounding your eyes, cheeks,
jaws, neck and throat area (Externally and internally), shoulders, arms, hands,
back, spine, chest (Externally and internally), abdomen (Externally and
internally), thighs, knees, calves, feet, and toes.
Remember to take occasional deep
breaths, in through your nose as if filling your belly with air, and then out,
exhaling through your nose. Breathe in this manner anytime you want to enter an
even deeper more relaxed state. It is a wonderful feeling to be deeply relaxed,
a very healthy state of being.
When you reach full and deep
physical relaxation, make a strong mental impression of the experience. Allow
your body, brain, and mind to memorize how it feels to be deeply relaxed so
that you can create it quickly, and easily in future meditations.
Second Breath: The second deep
breath is taken once you are physically relaxed, and it is used for relaxing
the mind. You will be able to learn to relax your mind in a matter of seconds.
After taking the second deep breath, say to yourself mentally, "Mind, it
is time to relax."
To learn to relax mentally all
you need to do is to think of tranquil and passive thoughts and scenes. Any
thought, and scene that makes you tranquil and passive helps to relax your
mind. You may want to imagine yourself at the beach on a nice summer day when
the breeze is just right, the temperature is perfect, the sounds are soothing,
the sand is healing, and the sun is energizing. Spend enough time enjoying the
scene, experiencing this imagery with all of your mental senses, and fully
associated. Any tranquil or passive image you choose to experience, do so with
full association. You may take 2 to 5 minutes or longer doing this.
Occasionally, remind yourself to breathe deeply. Do note that time may be
somewhat distorted when meditating.
Third Breath: The third deep
breath is for establishing your starting point for programming. After taking
the third deep breath, say to yourself mentally, "I am now at Starting
Point, feeling relaxed and ready to begin my programming."
At your "Starting
Point," you can do any type of positive and/or healthy programming you
desire. This is a deeper level of mind, deeper than after having taken the
first or second breath. You are now ready to begin programming.
Programming is best done when the
brain is most receptive. When the body and mind are relaxed and the brain is
emitting Alpha brain frequencies, the brain is highly receptive for programming
any kind of beneficial information. The results of strongly impressed programs
are the full benefits expected from the program itself. Programs are impressed
in the following ways:
Affirmations - Affirmations are positive
assertions you make to yourself about a goal. They are statements involving the
very things you want to have, do, or be. Affirmations are repeated often, both
when wide awake and active and during meditations. Affirmations make deep roots
in your being when repeated during meditations.
Goal Setting and Problem Solving - This can
best be done through the use of visualization and imagination. Visualize the
present situation or problem, and then imagine the desired goal or solution.
Formulized Techniques - These are thought out
and formulated techniques that when you follow the technique step-by-step
during the meditation, the results are surprisingly positive.
Self-guided imagery - In self-guided imagery,
you can program for any outcome you desire such as goal setting or healing.
Breathing Reminder
Be aware of your breathing and
become accustomed to breathing deeply and rhythmically throughout the entire
meditation. Take occasional deep breaths as you need for further deepening.
Deep breaths will help relax your muscles, send oxygen throughout your body and
brain, and slow down your pace. Occasional deep breaths will help keep you in a
deep state of relaxation.
Deep breathing is achieved when
you notice your belly rising and lowering with each breath. It does not involve
upper chest breathing. Allow your breath to fill the lower part of your lungs
and make your belly rise. This is the type of breathing you experience when you
are in a prone position or lying down.
Countdown Deepening Exercises
Further deepening may be done at
any time by counting on a descending scale from 100 - 1, 50 - 1, 25 - 1, or 10
- 1, and saying the word "Deeper" between counts. By the time you
reach the number 1, you will be at a deeper and healthier state of body and
mind. Give the word "Deeper" the meaning of being deeper within or
deeper in thought. As you go through the countdown, imagine or bring to mind
the descending feeling you experience while in an elevator.
The fastest way to deepen any
time during your meditation, is to take a deep breath and say to yourself
mentally, "Deeper and deeper," or do a short countdown from 10-1,
saying "Deeper and deeper" between numbers.
It is a wonderful, healthy
feeling to be deeply relaxed.
In Closing
Meditation is done by choice, and
is vital for overall well being. It improves the quality of your health,
relationships, job performance, creativity, and problem solving ability. It
also allows for you to make better choices and decisions. With meditation you
can make the most of your life, and enjoy it, and those you share it with to
the fullest.
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